Section I Initial approach to the neurological patient
1 What is the nervous system and what happens if it doesn’t work.
2 How to perform a neurological examination in practice.
3 How to reach a reliable differential diagnosis in first opinion practice. The concept of clinical reasoning.
4 Further diagnostics in practice. Blood tests and urinalysis.
5 Use and limitations of spinal radiographs.
6 Introduction to more advanced diagnostics in animals with neurological disease.
Section II Epilepsy
7 Epilepsy: what, when and how to treat.
8 Common problems in epilepsy. What if your patient doesn’t respond to medication?
9 Epilepsy in cats.
10 Status epilepticus and cluster seizures.
Section III Other brain disorders
11 Traumatic brain injury.
12 Movement disorders and tremor syndromes.
13 Decreased mentation and abnormal behaviour.
Section IV Blindness, abnormalities of the head and face, and vestibular syndrome
14 Anisocoria, blindness and other abnormalities of the eyes.
15 Abnormalities of the head and face.
16 Head tilt, nystagmus and strabismus. A practical approach to vestibular syndrome.
Section V Neurological decline in older animals
17 Neurological decline in older animals – Cognitive dysfunction syndrome.
Section VI Spinal disorders
18 Traumatic spinal injury – Spinal fracture and luxation.
19 Acute hind limb paralysis.
20 Generalised weakness, tetraparesis, and tetraplegia.
21 Lameness - Is it orthopaedic or neurologic?
22 Chronic spinal disease in dogs.
23 Common neck problems in practice. A variety of clinical presentations.
Section VII Feline specific considerations
24 Considerations for the feline neurology patient.
Section VIII Neurotoxicities
25 Approach to the intoxicated neurological patient.
Section IX Looking after the neurological patient.
26 Nursing care and realistic expectations for the neurological patient.
Appendix: Commonly used drugs in veterinary neurology